Dating as a single mother is a journey like no other. It’s layered with love for your children, your desire for connection, and a responsibility to protect your peace and your family. For me, it was a journey of learning, healing, and ultimately waiting on God’s direction to guide me in every step.
This topic is deeply personal, but as I write today, I’m writing from a place of healing
not from the raw pain I once carried. That pain taught me lessons, but healing gave me clarity, peace, and the confidence to move forward in alignment with God’s plan.
The Broken Me and the Healed Me
When I look back, I see how the broken version of myself often attracted broken individuals. I found myself attaching to people who mirrored my own wounds people who couldn’t love me the way I deserved because they hadn’t learned to love themselves.
But when I began to heal, something incredible happened. Those same individuals began to remove themselves from my life. It wasn’t because I had become unloving or judgmental; it was because I was no longer willing to compromise my worth or tolerate toxic behaviors.
Healing changes your posture. The healed version of you no longer accepts what the broken version once did. You become more discerning, less willing to entertain secret behaviors, and more confident in holding others accountable. And when you’re walking in alignment with God, you’ll notice that not everyone is ready to meet you where you are.
Valuing Yourself Raises the Bar
One of the biggest lessons I learned is that valuing myself meant raising the value of potential dating partners. No longer was I willing to settle for less than I deserved or compromise on toxic behaviors just to feel a temporary sense of connection.
I realized that as a single mom, I wasn’t just dating for myself I was dating with my children in mind. What kind of person would I allow into our lives? How would they influence my children’s environment, mindset, and future? These questions forced me to be intentional and prayerful about the type of partner I wanted.
God Will Show You Who to Trust
When it’s time, God will show you who to trust. He will send you someone who trusts Him and who is trustworthy themselves. But in the meantime, He asks us to wait patiently, prayerfully, and with faith that His timing is perfect.
Trusting God doesn’t mean we won’t face challenges. Every person comes with a past, just as we do. But the right person will align with God’s purpose for your life. They will value accountability, cherish your children, and help build the life God has designed for you not tear it down.
The Danger of Acting on Emotions
As single moms, it’s easy to let loneliness or emotions guide us into relationships. I’ve been there, and it’s led to hard lessons. Acting on emotions instead of seeking God’s direction can leave us vulnerable to unhealthy cycles and unnecessary heartache.
Ladies, I can’t emphasize this enough: protect yourself and your children. Trust God to guide your steps. When emotions try to take over, take a step back, pray, and wait for His answer. His wisdom is greater than ours, and He sees what we cannot.
A Word of Encouragement
To every single mom reading this: know that you are enough. You don’t need to rush, settle, or compromise your worth. God has a plan for your life, and that includes your relationships.
If you’re in a season of waiting, embrace it. Use this time to heal, grow, and strengthen your relationship with God. Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you. And when God sends the right person, you’ll know because they will align with the healed version of you, not the broken one.
Remember, God’s timing is perfect. He sees the desires of your heart, and He will honor them when the time is right. Until then, keep your focus on Him, protect your peace, and trust the journey He has set before you.
Ladies, wait on the Lord. He will send you what He has for you, and when He does, it will be worth the wait.